The contents of our website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, we cannot accept any liability for the contents being correct, complete and up-to-date.
The provider accepts no liability for the information provided being correct, complete and up-to-date. The posts reflect the opinions of the author in each case.
Intellectual property rights
The operators of the website endeavour to respect the copyright of others, or to use in-house material or works that are not subject to royalties.
We do not monitor the contents of external links. They remain the responsibility of the provider in each case.
Use of cookies
This website uses Google Analytics to find out how people are using the website. The findings allow us to optimise the user experience and benefits. This analysis programme uses “cookies” to collect the relevant information. This information, including the IP address, is sent to Google in the USA for analysis. Before being effectively stored, the data is anonymised, i.e.: the IP address itself is not stored. No personal information is stored. The findings of the analysis are not passed on to any third parties and serve only to improve the website.